Prime Liquidity
T1 Brokerage > Why Tier1FX International > Prime Liquidity
One of the largest liquidity pools at your disposal
Multi-liquidity aggregation to offer you the best available bid/ask price in all market conditions.
Evaluate the quality and depth of our liquidity book,
know the real cost of trading based on your ticket size
Top of the Book
Real-time view of our Top-of-the-book (ToB) prices.
1 Million VWAP
Real-time pricing for 1 million ticket size Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
3 Million VWAP
Real-time pricing for 3 million ticket size Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
5 Million VWAP
Real-time pricing for 5 million ticket size Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
10 Million VWAP
Real-time pricing for 10 million ticket size Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
Tier1FX International Market Depth
Real-time view of our market-depth
Institutional-grade market conditions for everyone
Our multi-provider liquidity offers our clients and partners access to one of the largest liquidity hubs formed by highly-rated financial institutions in the industry. Tier1FX only works with T1 Banks and ECNs on a one-to-one basis, meaning each order placed is routed to the best liquidity venue available, no intervention, no last-look and full order routing accountability