Why Tier1FX International

Ultimate Trading Technology

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Designed for high-frequency,
low-latency best trading experience

Supreme trading technology that gives you the trading environment you deserve

Fast and Reliable Execution

Tier1FX International had partnered with industry leaders to offer the best high-frequency, low-latency trading experience possible in a STP-DMA execution environment.
We have designed our server infrastructure to bring you the most reliable and innovative trading solutions.

Our fully automated straight-through-processing systems give you direct market access, with no delays, no requotes and no dealer intervention.
Tier1FX International trading hub is cross-connected to all our liquidity venues via Equinix data centre in New York (NY4) with data centers located around the world.

Beeks Cross-Connection

Execution speed is important for your trading strategy, using our dedicated cross-connection to Beeks Financial Cloud brings you 0.2-millisecond latency to our infrastructure in Equinix NY4.
Get your VPS or Dedicated Server with Beeks Financial Cloud and start trading immediately at 0.2-milliseconds latency throughout any of Tier1FX International platforms.

Why Tier1FX International

Tier1FX International Technology Infrastructure

  • Fully redundant, carrier-class IT infrastructure, hosted in Equinix NY4, LD4

  • Hot-swap features on critical network servers and network infrastructure

  • Full redundancy, combined with hot backup

  • Sub-millisecond cross-connection to Liquidity Providers

  • VPS cross-connection from Beeks Financial Cloud to NY4 available for MT4, FIX API and Fortex platforms

  • LD4 to NY4 dedicated bandwidth

T1 Brokerage

Start trading with Tier1FX International today

Take advantage of Tier1FX International's combination of technology and liquidity to empower your trading.